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Transforming Your Healthcare Recruitment: Creative Strategies to Get You Ahead of the Curve!

Transforming Your Healthcare Recruitment: Creative Strategies to Get You Ahead of the Curve!

Creativity can make a difference!

Healthcare recruitment can be a competitive and difficult field, one that requires you to always be looking for new ways to rise above the competition and find your desired audience. This is why creativity is crucial in healthcare recruitment, as it will help you stand out amongst your competitors and catch the eye of any potential clients. 

Here are some ways you can start new and creative ways to expand your recruitment campaigns!

Utilize social media and cutting-edge technology to its fullest potential.

Branch out to other social media avenues like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, not just work-focused platforms like LinkedIn or news sites. Tap healthcare influencers and other prominent healthcare leaders to help with your recruitment efforts. Don’t be afraid to try new things for your company, like live streaming, virtual reality, or AI experimentation. The future is in technology, and being willing to adopt those advancements in your strategies will have long-reaching benefits! 

Utilizing social media, collaborating with influential people, and working with new technology not only helps you reach a wider audience but also helps paint your company as advanced, forward-thinkers who can keep up with the times. 

Emphasize the Power of Personal Connections.

Look to build not just online but in person, too! Face-to-face connection and communication is a great way to build your reputation and approachability. By meeting people in person, you can solidify your company’s integrity and build important interpersonal relationships and connections. Even if one person doesn’t work out, they may still recommend you to another, and that could be where you find your next client! 

Here are some events you could host or attend:

  • Attend job and career fairs.
  • Networking events.
  • Open-house recruitment events.
  • Trade shows

Promote Employee Voices in Your Campaigns.

Take your in-person connections a step further and utilize current employees to help speak for themselves and their company! Allowing potential candidates to interact with your employees and hear about their firsthand experiences with your company not only humanizes your brand but also strengthens your integrity and approachability.

Ways you can connect employees with your audience include:

  • Interviewing individual employees and sharing their words through blog posts, social media posts, and videos.
  • Have actual employees attend previously suggested parties, job fairs, and networking events so that they can talk to clients in person and help build personable relationships.
  • Offer one-on-one interactions and interviews between an employee and a potential candidate.

Showcase Your Commitment to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion).

Creating an inclusive environment is crucial in today’s workplace. It’s important to have your doors open to everyone regardless of background. Most people look for open, accepting workplaces where they can feel safe, secure, and comfortable to work and live as themselves. Be sure to showcase that you’re here for everyone, and commit to following through with those expectations. 

There are many ways you can improve your inclusivity, including:

  • Actively reach out and connect with diverse candidates and companies.
  • Implement blind applications and hiring processes.
  • Keep your job descriptions and requirements diverse and available for all kinds of applicants.
  • Regularly seek and act on feedback from all employees, fostering an environment of continuous improvement.

Encourage new ideas and fresh perspectives!

Be open to new ideas from unexpected places or people! Being creative does not always require big, disruptive ideas, but also willing to try new perspectives and approaches. 

See what others in your company have to say about their job search experiences, what they looked for, and what drove them to your company, and build upon their feedback. Put out surveys to see what your audience is also looking for, and what they are not. Surveys can also provide valuable insights into what your audience is looking for and where there’s room for improvement.

Ready to transform your recruitment strategy?

These ideas will get your recruitment ahead of the curve and stand out above your competition. From ideas as big as new technology to as small as simply taking on a fresh perspective, one can be creative with their strategies in numerous ways. 

Want to find out even more about how to improve your recruitment campaign? Contact us today and subscribe to our email to learn more about how we can help!